The existing onsite wastewater systems in Forrest are currently exceeding capacity and struggle to cope with peak periods, school holidays and large events.

Main issues include frequent episodes of unpleasant odours, which are prominent during peak periods, and untreated wastewater leaking onto public and private properties.

Work is continuing to progress to develop a concept design and business case for a wastewater management solution for the township.

Our next stage of work will involve finding a suitable location for a water recycling facility, determining the type of treatment technology, and assessing end uses of recycled water.

Barwon Water intends to complete this work by the end of 2023, progressing to concept design and development of a business case in 2024.

Subject to approval of the business case and importantly – securing an affordable outcome for all – the proposed solution involves replacing onsite septic systems with a pressure sewer system to service the Forrest township, with wastewater being sent to a local water recycling facility to treat and re-use the recycled water.

The Forrest Wastewater Project aims to implement a wastewater management solution that:

  • Eliminates the public health and environmental risks associated with inadequately performing septic systems;
  • Removes the maintenance burden of existing onsite systems;
  • Improves Forrest’s amenity, creating better experiences for residents and visitors; and
  • Provides enabling infrastructure that will assist Forrest to become a thriving and vibrant township with increased economic activity through tourism, and sustainable development.

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