The Gellibrand water treatment plant located on Old Beech Forrest Road is reaching the end of its operational life. Barwon Water is decommissioning the current infrastructure and construct a new, high-quality facility to service the town.

The town of Gellibrand is currently supplied with water from Lardner Creek, which is then treated at the Gellibrand water treatment plant using specialised treatment to meet safe drinking water standards. The upgrade will provide a water treatment plant that is more bushfire resilient, reliable, efficient, and ensures we continue to provide high quality, affordable and secure services for our customers and community.

Works commenced in September 2023 and will be completed by late 2025. Construction activities will occur Monday to Friday, between 7 am and 6 pm. If Saturday work is required, this will be between 7 am and 1 pm.

During construction, the existing water treatment plant will continue to operate as usual and there will be no interruption to your water supply. However, if there are any interruptions, we will provide you with advanced notice and clear information before they occur.

As part of these works, please note:

  • All construction work will take place at Barwon Water's water treatment plant and nearby private property. We are working closely with affected landowners.
  • There will be construction vehicles travelling along Old Beech Forrest Road from Spring 2023 until Spring 2025. The frequency and movement of vehicles will vary during the duration of the upgrade.
  • There will be a speed reduction of 40 km/h and traffic management in place along Old Beech Forrest Road in front of Barwon Water's water treatment plant during the works.
  • There may be increased noise and dust from construction activities and vehicles. We will aim to minimise impacts to residents.
  • Access to private properties, and for emergency vehicles, will be maintained at all times. Our contractor will communicate directly and in advance if there will be any vehicle access restrictions during works.

We apologise for any inconvenience during the construction activities. Barwon Water thanks you for your patience and understanding while we deliver these essential works.

Should you have any questions about this project or need to update your contact details, please telephone us on 1300 656 007 or email

Location of the Gellibrand WTP