We’re exploring opportunities for sustainable water use in the Marengo area, including how technology can help us better manage our water resources now and into the future.

As part of this work, we are undertaking a trial installing digital meters that will help identify and reduce leaks and bursts both in the water supply network and on customer properties. To support this, we will upgrade your water meter with a new digital meter as part of our regular meter replacement program.

Installation of the new digital meters will commence early August 2022 and be completed by mid-September. There will be no cost to you and there won’t be any changes to your billing process.

You don’t need to be home for us to install the new meter. To ensure a smooth transition to your new meter, please help us by removing any obstructions over or around the meter within the next three weeks.

Digital meter technology can help detect leaks early, not only saving precious drinking water, but also saving money on your water bill and helping the environment. If a leak is detected at your property, we will notify you. We can provide you with advice and assistance to repair leaks.

We’re here to help

If you have any questions about your digital meter installation, or issues regarding access to your property (such as locked gates), please contact our Metering team on 1300 656 007 or info@barwonwater.vic.gov.au


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