About the process

On 30 September 2022, we submitted our 2023-28 Price Submission to the Essential Services Commission (ESC).

The Price Submission – developed in partnership with our customers, communities and key stakeholders over the past five years – is fully aligned to Barwon Water's Strategy 2030, and shows how we will deliver Strategy 2030 over the next five years.

Built on the most significant customer engagement ever completed by our organisation, our Price Submission responds to customers’ suggestions, ideas and feedback on balancing the investment and delivery of water, sewerage and recycled water services at prices that are fair and affordable for all customers.

The submission outlines proposed critical infrastructure investments and initiatives to use more recycled water, reduce energy costs and help customers pay their bills and save water – all supporting us to realise our goals of Strategy 2030. It is also a blueprint for us to deliver greater value for customers and provide stable bills for the next five years.

Highlights include:

  • fair and affordable bills and support for customers, with nearly $5 million allocated to customer support programs that help any customer experiencing financial stress
  • customers’ bills will continue to remain one of the lowest in Victoria for similar sized water corporations for the next five years
  • an ambitious 1.95% efficiency target to achieve more than $5.8 million of cost savings and operating efficiencies over the next five years
  • a planned $549.4 million capital works program in the region over five years meet the needs of growth, renewal, compliance and service improvements.

The ESC is reviewing Barwon Water's proposed 2023 – 28 Price Submission.

Read our Strategy 2030 here

Includes a customer summary of the 2023-28 Price Submission

Barwon Water will continue to share updates on the ESC's review and determination of the 2023-28 Price Submission.

We would like to thank our customers and community for their participation during the development of our 2023-28 Price Submission. Watch this video highlighting the process Barwon Water has followed in developing its 2023-28 Price Submission:

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